The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 54 - Understanding Your Story - Part 1

Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past.  This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become.

Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try?  

The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life.

Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse?

The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life.

Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience?

The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. 

When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person.

And here's the really GOOD NEWS!  God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories".

In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life.

In this first episode Tony shares an INTRODUCTION and PRINCIPLE 1.


Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 53 - Spice It Up with Keelie Reason - Part 2

Tony's special guest for this episode is Keelie Reason... also known as "THE SEX TALK LADY".

Could you use some "SPICE IT UP" in your marriage?

Although these episodes are being originally published for Valentine's Day... the ideas and principles discussed can be applied to your relationship... to "SPICE IT UP"... not just on Valentine's Day... but 365 days a year!

How does a couple have a SEXY Valentine's Day?

How do you unleash your creative genius to surprise your spouse?

Is it alright to try some things you've never tried before?

How do you stretch your comfort zone?

How do you create a relational environment that's conducive to a deeper level of sexual intimacy?

What are some good ideas to create a SEXY mood?

What can a couple do to really "SPICE IT UP"?

What can a couple do for a special day even if they're not in a very good place in their marriage?

In these episodes (52 & 53) you'll find ideas that will help you to "SPICE IT UP" on Valentine's Day... or any other day of the year!

11 Come, my lover, let us go to the countryside, let us spend the night in the villages. 12 Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom - there I will give you my love. 13 The mandrakes send out their fragrance, and at our door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my lover.  Song of Songs 7:11-13

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 52 - Spice It Up - Keelie Reason - Part 1

Tony's special guest for this episode... and the next... is Keelie Reason... also known as "THE SEX TALK LADY".

Could you use some "SPICE IT UP" in your marriage?

Although these episodes are being originally published for Valentine's Day... the ideas and principles discussed can be applied to your relationship... to "SPICE IT UP"... not just on Valentine's Day... but 365 days a year!

How does a couple have a SEXY Valentine's Day?

How do you unleash your creative genius to surprise your spouse?

Is it alright to try some things you've never tried before?

How do you stretch your comfort zone?

How do you create a relational environment that's conducive to a deeper level of sexual intimacy?

What are some good ideas to create a SEXY mood?

What can a couple do to really "SPICE IT UP"?

What can a couple do for a special day even if they're not in a very good place in their marriage?

In these episodes (52 & 53) you'll find ideas that will help you to "SPICE IT UP" on Valentine's Day... or any other day of the year!

11 Come, my lover, let us go to the countryside, let us spend the night in the villages. 12 Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom - there I will give you my love. 13 The mandrakes send out their fragrance, and at our door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my lover.  Song of Songs 7:11-13

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 51 - Steve & Jamie VanValin - Part 3

In this series of episodes Tony interviews Steve & Jamie VanValin.

Steve & Jamie's story is a remarkable journey from personal and marital sexual brokenness to sexual wholeness, healing, and freedom.  It's an amazing story of God's ability to rescue and heal deeply broken people, and deeply broken marriages.

Steve & Jamie both experienced difficult, painful, and ungodly events during their adolescence and teenage years that laid the foundation for both of them to become overtly sexualized.  When they met - the chemistry between them - fueled by their respective pasts - led to an exaggerated and explosive sexual journey they would follow for years to come.


Does God have the power to bring a person - and a couple - from the depths of sexual darkness and bondage to sexual healing and freedom?

Can God rescue and redeem the most sexually broken people - and couples - and transfer them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light?

Listen to this remarkable story of redemption, and find out for yourself!

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 50 - Steve & Jamie VanValin - Part 2

In this series of episodes Tony interviews Steve & Jamie VanValin.

Steve & Jamie's story is a remarkable journey from personal and marital sexual brokenness to sexual wholeness, healing, and freedom.  It's an amazing story of God's ability to rescue and heal deeply broken people, and deeply broken marriages.

Steve & Jamie both experienced difficult, painful, and ungodly events during their adolescence and teenage years that laid the foundation for both of them to become overtly sexualized.  When they met - the chemistry between them - fueled by their respective pasts - led to an exaggerated and explosive sexual journey they would follow for years to come.


Does God have the power to bring a person - and a couple - from the depths of sexual darkness and bondage to sexual healing and freedom?

Can God rescue and redeem the most sexually broken people - and couples - and transfer them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light?

Listen to this remarkable story of redemption, and find out for yourself!

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 49 - Steve & Jamie VanValin - Part 1

In this series of episodes Tony interviews Steve & Jamie VanValin.

Steve & Jamie's story is a remarkable journey from personal and marital sexual brokenness to sexual wholeness, healing, and freedom.  It's an amazing story of God's ability to rescue and heal deeply broken people, and deeply broken marriages.

Steve & Jamie both experienced difficult, painful, and ungodly events during their adolescence and teenage years that laid the foundation for both of them to become overtly sexualized.  When they met - the chemistry between them - fueled by their respective pasts - led to an exaggerated and explosive sexual journey they would follow for years to come.


Does God have the power to bring a person - and a couple - from the depths of sexual darkness and bondage to sexual healing and freedom?

Can God rescue and redeem the most sexually broken people - and couples - and transfer them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light?

Listen to this remarkable story of redemption, and find out for yourself!

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 48 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 5

Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity.

Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love.

In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis.

Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. 

As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest.

What if one person in the marriage in interested in sex... and the other person is not? 

What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person?

In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way.

In this episode Tony shares principles 7 - 9.

Tony Ingrassia Comment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 47 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 4

Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity.

Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love.

In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis.

Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. 

As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest.

What if one person in the marriage in interested in sex... and the other person is not? 

What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person?

In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way.

In this episode Tony shares principles 3 - 6.

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 46 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 3

Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity.

Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love.

In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis.

Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. 

As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest.

What if one person in the marriage in interested in sex... and the other person is not? 

What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person?

In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way.

In this episode Tony shares the 4th reason people often struggle with diminished sexual desire, and the first 2 principles of what to do about it!


Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 45 - Incarnation: The Collision of God and Man

In this episode Tony interrupts our current Podcast series - When Your Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - to present a special Christmas episode on the topic of the Incarnation.

The Incarnation is not just a 2,000 year old historical event that we remember during the holiday season - far removed from the reality of our present day lives - but is in fact the very basis of the possibility that we can experience sexual healing and wholeness in our lives today.

Would you like to experience healing in the sexual area of your life?

Would you like to be a healthier person when it comes to sex?

Would you like to control sex instead of being controlled by sex?

Would you like to break the power that pornography has been holding in your life?

This episode will help you understand what the Incarnation is - and how the Incarnation provides the power and the possibility that all these things can come true for you!  Or said another way...

It's because of the Incarnation that you can experience sexual healing in your life!

It's because of the Incarnation that you can become healthier in the sexual area of your life!

It's because of the Incarnation that you can learn to control sex instead of being controlled by sex!

It's because of the Incarnation that the power of pornography can be broken from you life!

The truth of this episode isn't just for Christmas - it's for every day of the year!  

So listen to this episode - and celebrate the Incarnation and the true meaning of Christmas - no matter what day of the year you're listening!

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast - Episode 44 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 2

Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity.

Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love.

In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis.

Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. 

As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest.

What if one person in the marriage is interested in sex... and the other person is not? 

What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person?

In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way.

In this episode Tony shares the first 3 reasons people often struggle with diminished sexual desire.

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 43 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 1

Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity.

Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love.

In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis.

Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. 

As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest.

What if one person in the marriage is interested in sex... and the other person is not? 

What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person?

In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way.

In this episode Tony shares the INTRODUCTION to this important series...

When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex.

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 42 - Better Sex In Marriage with Keelie Reason - Part 2

Tony's guest on this episode is Keelie Reason... who is known as "The Sex Talk Lady"... and authors the website

Keelie noticed that so many women around her were struggling with sex within the context of their marriages, and were often reduced to "duty sex" as a kind of responsibility to their husbands.

Keelie's passion is to encourage women to enjoy sex with their husbands instead of just enduring sex, and through her ministry she provides the practical information, resources, and tools that equip women for the journey toward greater sexual wholeness and health.

In these episodes (41 & 42) Tony and Keelie discuss important topics such as...

* What to do about the challenge when one spouse is low desire and one spouse is high desire

* How to "get in the mood" when you're not in the mood

* Dealing with the sexual baggage of your past

* How to initiate sex with your spouse

* The importance of communicating about sex

* Becoming adventurous in the bedroom

* Keeping sex from becoming routine

* Using sex games in the bedroom

* And Much Much More...

Join Tony and Keelie as they discuss tips, strategies, ideas, and suggestions that will help you be healthier sexually in the context of your marriage!

Visit for more resources and information.

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 41 - Better Sex In Marriage with Keelie Reason - Part 1

Tony's guest on this episode is Keelie Reason... who is known as "The Sex Talk Lady"... and authors the website

Keelie noticed that so many women around her were struggling with sex within the context of their marriages, and were often reduced to "duty sex" as a kind of responsibility to their husbands.

Keelie's passion is to encourage women to enjoy sex with their husbands instead of just enduring sex, and through her ministry she provides the practical information, resources, and tools that equip women for the journey toward greater sexual wholeness and health.

In these episodes (41 & 42) Tony and Keelie discuss important topics such as...

* What to do about the challenge when one spouse is low desire and one spouse is high desire

* How to "get in the mood" when you're not in the mood

* Dealing with the sexual baggage of your past

* How to initiate sex with your spouse

* The importance of communicating about sex

* Becoming adventurous in the bedroom

* Keeping sex from becoming routine

* Using sex games in the bedroom

* And Much Much More...

Join Tony and Keelie as they discuss tips, strategies, ideas, and suggestions that will help you be healthier sexually in the context of your marriage!

Visit for more resources and information.

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 40 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 6

It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another.

There are 3 primary components of the SEXUAL ALLIANCE...

1. They understand that their sexual gifts belong exclusively to one another.

2. They express their sexual gifts exclusively with one another.

3. They are sexually available to one another on a frequent and recurring basis.

This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! 

Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE?

The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. 

In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 17 - 19.


Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 39 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 5

It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another.

There are 3 primary components of the SEXUAL ALLIANCE...

1. They understand that their sexual gifts belong exclusively to one another.

2. They express their sexual gifts exclusively with one another.

3. They are sexually available to one another on a frequent and recurring basis.

This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! 

Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE?

The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. 

In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 15 and 16.


Tony Ingrassia Comment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 38 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 4

It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another.

There are 3 primary components of the SEXUAL ALLIANCE...

1. They understand that their sexual gifts belong exclusively to one another.

2. They express their sexual gifts exclusively with one another.

3. They are sexually available to one another on a frequent and recurring basis.

This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! 

Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE?

The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. 

In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 13 and 14.


Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 37 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 3

It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... which means they limit any and all expressions of their corresponding sexualities exclusively to one another.  

This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! 

Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE?

The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. 

In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 10 through 12.


Tony Ingrassia Comment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 36 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 2

It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... which means they limit any and all expressions of their corresponding sexualities exclusively to one another.  

This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! 

Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE?

The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. 

In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 6 through 9.


Tony Ingrassia Comment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 35 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 1

It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... which means they limit any and all expressions of their corresponding sexualities exclusively to one another.  

This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! 

Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE?

The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. 

In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 1 through 5.


Tony IngrassiaComment