This intensive contains the information, insights, and strategies that took Tony over 30 years to discover. These concepts are foundational and non-negotiable if you’re interested in being a man of sexual purity. This intensive will place at your fingertips the resources that will empower you to experience your sexual gift in a healthier and more godly way than you ever have before! This intensive is not theoretical in nature. It was not contrived in a clinical or classroom setting. Rather, it was hammered out on the anvil of Tony’s personal struggle for many years as he sought to bring his sexual gift under the authority of Christ. Are you ready to have your life changed?
There are 2 different ways for you to experience The Pathway to Purity Intensive!
The LIVE INTENSIVE is typically scheduled several times per year.
The LIVE INTENSIVE is a 3 day event hosted at the campus of Freedom Counseling Service which is only 12 minutes from Lambert Field in the St. Louis area.
Freedom Counseling Service / 1521 Boones Lick Road / St. Charles, MO 63301
Friday Night – 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Saturday – 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday – 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
The LIVE INTENSIVE is designed to be an immersive experience that will engage not only your head, but more importantly your heart. You’ll participate in a variety of assignments, interventions and presentations that are intended to create a heartfelt and life changing experience.
The VIDEO INTENSIVE is over 16 hours of powerful and life changing information presented through a series of 18 different videos.
You can work through these videos in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace, or with a group of other men.
The VIDEO INTENSIVE includes a workbook that allows you to apply the information and strategies directly to your story and life as you work your way through the intensive.
This is the same 3-day intensive that men from around the country have attended live in St. Louis Missouri, with the exception of the live assignments, exercises and interventions.
When you invest in the VIDEO INTENSIVE you can refer to it over and over again for years to come!
“The Intensive weekend provides camaraderie with like minded men in similar circumstances wanting to be free of the bondage from sexual strongholds and be a catalyst of healing in their families. Teaching times are relevant and practical wonderfully flavored with the signature authenticity and style of Tony Ingrassia”

Whichever way you decide to attend The Pathway to Purity Intensive, you’ll discover the non-negotiable and life changing information and strategies that will empower you to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. Among many other such insights, you’ll learn:
How sex became so powerful in your life and soul, and how you can take that power back.
How you’ve used sex to soothe and self medicate your emotional self, and how to manage your emotions in a healthier way without depending on your orgasm to do so.
How to strengthen your “no muscle” so you have the ability to say “no” at the moment of temptation.
How to understand the language of your body, and how to take authority over your physical body, so you can control your body instead of being controlled by your body.
How to literally retrain your brain, which is the biggest sex organ in your body, so you’re no longer compelled by the chemicals in your brain to act out sexually in violation of your own conscience.
How to handle both the emotional and sexual “triggers” you’ll inevitably experience over and over again, so you can manage your triggers instead of being managed by your triggers.
How to utilize the simple 12 Step Purity Training Program Tony has developed which will put purity within your reach and enable you to be the man of purity that God has called you to be.
I've been to a Power of Purity intensive/conference twice now and both times represent pivotal moments in my life. God has used Tony and his ministry powerfully in my life and in my marriage. In 2012, my wife and I were near the end; but God used the Power of Purity to spark hope and begin to rekindle and rebuild our marriage again. In 2022, my wife and I were in a much better place and my walk in purity looked radically different than it did a decade earlier. My wife and I prayed about it and decided it would be a good way to mark the ten year anniversary of what God had done. My expectations were blown away, and God used Tony powerfully yet again to connect my heart with the information in new and better ways. I walked out of that weekend stronger in my faith in God's ability to keep me pure and stronger in my commitment to purity than I have ever been before. I also walked out with connections to a group of guys committed and excited to walk this journey with me. I would highly recommend that any man who is serious about his struggle for purity to attend, no matter where he finds himself along the journey. You can tell the weekend is bathed in prayer. As a result, God will speak powerfully through it to those who are willing to listen.
-Intensive Attendee