Because of COVID and the corresponding challenges with travel and group meetings, the intensive is now available as an online video series! You can purchase this intensive video series and attend in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace. This video intensive consists of: 18 Video Sessions, and the Downloadable Version of The Power of Purity Workbook. Your host, Tony Ingrassia shares from his own journey and clinical experience with over 16 hours of vital information, that will help you heal from the chains of sexual compulsion and change your life!
The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop includes the following 18 Sessions!
This video is the introduction to The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop. In this video, Tony considers two important questions: (1) Is God crazy? We live in a highly sexualized culture, and we are surrounded by perpetual temptations. Is God therefore crazy for asking us to be men of sexual purity? (2) Then why the gap? If God really does expect us to be men of sexual purity, then why is there such a big gap between his desire for our purity and our personal reality? In this video, you'll discover that God is not crazy, and it IS possible for you to become a man of purity!
This is the amazing and powerful story – including the good, the bad, and the ugly – of Tony’s journey from sexual brokenness to sexual healing – from sexual sin to sexual freedom. Through Tony’s extraordinary honesty and vulnerability, you’ll learn how sex came to represent for him, not only the deepest pain, disobedience, and captivity of his life, but also the greatest expression of God’s love, power, and healing. Tony’s story proves that no person or problem is outside the redemptive reach of God, and that it truly is possible for a person who has struggled deeply with sexual brokenness and bondage to experience sexual healing and redemption through God’s powerful grace, mercy, and love. NOTE - You can hear this session for FREE above!
Many men have withdrawn from the battle for their own sexual purity. They’ve waved the white flag to the enemy – accepting their sexual impurity as the norm. The reason they’ve accepted defeat: their miserable track record. After failing repeatedly, many men begin to believe the lie that change is impossible. In this session, you’ll discover the importance of getting back in the battle, and staying in the battle, for your own sexual purity. Your commitment to the battle is of utmost importance if you want to be the man of purity that God is calling you to be.
When a manufacturer creates a product, they often include an instruction book. After all, the manufacturer knows best how the product should be used. In much the same way, God created human sexuality, and therefore he knows the best way that humans should express and experience sex. He’s even given us an instruction book: the Bible. In this session, you’ll discover the three reasons God created sex, and understand why we often reap pain and destruction when we express our sexual gift in ways contrary to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Because Secret Service agents are trained so well on the characteristics of authentic U.S. currency, they can immediately spot a counterfeit bill. In much the same way, when we understand the true purpose of sex, and we understand God’s true design, it helps us to see and understand how we’ve been using sex in unhealthy and “counterfeit” ways contrary to God’s original design. When we understand the true purpose of sex, we see that God intended sex to be a “WE” thing between a married couple, and not the “ME” thing that many of us have made it. In this session, Tony shares four metaphors that will help you discover the vital difference between “WE SEX” and “ME SEX.”
At the epicenter of God’s design for human sexuality is the concept of sexual exclusivity. This means that to do sex God’s way, you must limit the expression of your sexual gift exclusively within your relationship with your spouse. Many men have misunderstood this concept and instead have expressed their sexual gift outside of their marriage. The default mode for most men is porn and masturbation, although many men escalate from there into other sexual exploits, including cybersex, affairs, prostitutes, and strip clubs, among other things – all of which Tony calls stealing orgasms, getting bonus orgasms, or double dipping. In this session, you’ll discover the importance of expressing your sexual gift exclusively within your marriage, or what Tony calls “Wife-Size Sex.”
When baking a cake, you mix a variety of ingredients, and the finished cake is representative of the ingredients. Imagine, for example, if somehow several toxic ingredients, like rat poison, lawn fertilizer, or urine, were included in a cake mix. Obviously, these horrible ingredients would seriously impact the cake’s quality, essentially ruining it. In much the same way, many different toxic and unhealthy “ingredients” often get mixed into the development of the average man’s sexuality, which significantly and destructively influence his sexual health. In this session, you’ll discover 15 toxic ingredients that probably got mixed into your sexual development, which explain your ongoing struggle with sexual purity.
We live in a highly sexualized world, and we’re surrounded by perpetual temptation. Every man will have endless opportunities to act out in ways inconsistent with God’s will, plan, and design for his sexual gift. Because of this, for a man to be the man of purity that God is calling him to be, he must have a strong “no muscle,” which will enable him to resist the world’s ever-present temptations. Like any other muscles, if unused, they will eventually atrophy and weaken; but, if exercised repeatedly, they’ll become much stronger and more dependable. In this session, you’ll discover the importance of strengthening your “no muscle,” which will empower you to resist this world’s inevitable temptations.
To be the man of sexual purity that God is calling you to be, you must learn to control your body instead of being controlled by it. Your body is powerful; it has its own opinions, appetites, and rhythms. It knows what it wants and when. Your body may sometimes even seem to scream at you in its demand to meet its cravings. Because of this, most men have entered into an oppressive relationship with their body in which their body is dictating its authority over them. In this session, you’ll discover how to take back and maintain authority over your body.
This session represents what might be the single most difficult obstacle to sexual purity for many men: hiding. Just as Adam and Eve hid in the bushes from God and covered themselves with fig leaves, we intuitively want to hide our most embarrassing and shameful mistakes and choices. The drawback to this strategy is that the power of sin is multiplied in our hearts and lives when we keep our secrets and hide our struggles. In this session, you’ll discover the non-negotiable reality that to be a man of purity, you must come into the light and walk in the light honestly and transparently. God is light and lives in the light; the values of God and his Kingdom are in the light. Thus, if you want to experience God’s deep, powerful work – and ultimately undergo profound changes in your heart and life – you must come “Into the Light.”
Understanding your story is an incredibly important stepping-stone in your healing journey, because doing so allows you to comprehend not only how sex came to hold so much power over you, but also how you learned to use sex in unhealthy and dysfunctional ways. God knows the story of your life; he knows every single thing about you – and he wants to journey with you into your life’s stories – so he can heal your deepest hurts, pain, and shame. Cooperating with God on this journey will allow you to find lasting healing and freedom in your relationship with sex.
We live in a deeply wounded, broken, and fallen world, and because of this every person inevitably experiences a significant amount of hurt, pain, and brokenness. Because of this, virtually every single person is in the pain management business, and every single person develops some kind of pain management strategy. The drawback to this reality is that the most commonly chosen pain management methods are often counterproductive, if not destructive. Think, for example, of the alcoholic or the drug addict. In this session, you’ll discover two key insights: 1) a primary way that many men have attempted to manage their pain is through sex and their orgasms, and 2) the single most authentic, healthy, and redemptive way to manage and process your life’s hurt and pain.
Each time a man has a sexual experience, and especially at the moment of orgasm, the brain produces a flood of feel-good chemicals that create a euphoric sense of satisfaction and pleasure. In time, this repetition of chemicals eventually carves a series of deep neural pathways in his brain, in much the same way that heavy rainfall can eventually carve a deep ditch on a hillside. As this phenomenon is repeated, a man’s brain will literally begin to compel him to seek out this chemical release, which becomes the essence of the addiction itself. In this way, it’s fair to say that a man may not actually be addicted to pornography, and may more accurately be addicted to drugs – meaning the drugs that his own brain provides during an orgasm. In this session, you’ll discover that the human brain is indeed a man’s single biggest sex organ, and that he must change his relationship with his brain to be a man of purity.
A man is not going to become a man of sexual purity accidentally, and in the same way a man can engage in a rigorous fitness routine in order to get physically fit, the scripture says that a man can train himself to be godly (I Timothy 4:7). In this session, you’ll discover a 12-Step Purity Training Program that will put sexual purity within your reach. Using this practical 12-Step program, any man can earn his graduate degree in sexual purity. Christianity is not a lazy man’s religion, and if you’re willing to do the work outlined in this session, you can become the man of purity that you’ve always wanted to be, and that God is calling you to be.
Session 15 - MANAGING TRIGGERS (1:04)
We live in a highly sexualized world, and we’re surrounded every day with constant and never-ending temptations. Because of this, you will be repeatedly triggered to act out sexually. Thus, if you’re going to succeed on your purity journey, you must learn to manage those triggers. In this session, you’ll discover seven practical principles to help you do so. What you find in this session is of the utmost importance, because your ability to manage triggers will determine your success in your walk of purity.
Imagine if you decided to clean up a barnyard pig. You could bathe the pig, put a yellow ribbon around its neck, and even apply perfume to it. But do you know what the pig would do as soon as you returned him to the barnyard? He’d run and jump right back in the mud – because you only cleaned him up on the outside, rather than changing his heart. Likewise, in order to become new and different men on the outside, we must first have a corresponding change of heart on the inside. In this session, you’ll discover the supreme importance of allowing God to change your heart so you can become the man of purity that he is calling you to be.
The reason soldiers attend boot camp is to train for battle. In boot camp, they’re given the weapons and training they’ll need in order to win battles. In this session, you’ll discover a review of the 14 main strategies you’ve learned throughout The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop. As you utilize these 14 strategies on an ongoing basis, you will control your sexual gift instead of being controlled by it, and you will honor God with your expression of your sexual gift. This session will provide an overview of the ideal battle plan to use in your fight for sexual purity.
A holy altar is a sacred space where God receives holy sacrifices from his people. In this session, you’ll be given the opportunity to make your own holy altar to God, just like Tony did many years ago. You’ll be invited to give God several different gifts on this holy altar, including your physical body, your sexual gift, your penis, and your orgasms. From this day forward, through God’s powerful mercy and grace, you will be a man of God, and you will be the man of sexual purity that God is calling you to be. God bless you, my brother!
“The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop will enable you to become the HERO of the story God has designed for your life!”

· You’ll be able to resist looking at Internet porn!
· You’ll be able to make quality decisions at the moment of temptation!
· You’ll be able to stop stealing orgasms apart from your wife’s knowledge or participation!
· You’ll be able to honor both God and your wife… if you’re married… with the expression of your sexual gift!
· You’ll be able to honor both God and your future wife… if you’re not married… with the expression of your sexual gift!
· You’ll be able to control sex instead of being controlled by sex!
· You’ll pass a heritage of generational righteousness and blessing to your children and grandchildren instead of generational bondages and curses!
· You’ll be much more effective in the gifting… calling… and destiny that God has placed upon your life!
· You’ll sleep better at night because you’ll no longer be living in violation of your own conscience!
· You’ll take back the ground that the enemy has held in your heart and life for way too long!
· You’ll finally be the man of sexual purity that God is calling you to be!
· You’ll have a much better chance of hearing the 7 most important words you could ever hear… “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
Why should you invest $795.00 in The Pathway To Purity Intensive Workshop?
· The Intensive is the equivalent of at least 1 year of professional counseling, and if you went to counseling for 1 year, and the fee was just $100 per session, you would pay $5,200.00 for that year of counseling.
· Because other such programs are typically priced between $997.00 to $5,0000.00… and more!
· If you purchase the Intensive you don’t have to travel to St. Louis to attend the Intensive live, which will save you the cost of taking a day off work, an airline ticket, a hotel room, and a rental car, which will essentially pay for your investment in the Intensive.
· Because once you have the Intensive you can reference it over and over again for years to come, which adds more and more value.
· Because $795.00 is just $2.17 per day for the next year, and your purity is worth $2.17!
· Your investment in this Intensive will support The Power of Purity, and help us continue to take this message to so many others who need it!
· Because you cannot put a price on how this Intensive is going to change your heart and life!