The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 14 - Jamie Bishop - Part 2

Does a man's use of porn harm his wife's heart?

What if you were a Christian woman and you discovered that your husband was looking at porn?  Would it bother you?  Would it be upsetting to you?  Would it make you feel insecure or unsure about yourself?  Would it make you feel like something was wrong with you, because if he was satisfied with you, he wouldn't be looking at porn... right?  And then, what if you discovered that he was looking at porn... over and over and over again?  Hear the AMAZING story of Jamie Bishop, and how her husband's use of porn deeply effected her heart, and created a growing vulnerability within her that eventually led to her affair with another man.  Although this marriage was clearly moving toward complete destruction, you'll be surprised to hear how God intervened in an unusual way to prove there's no situation outside of his redemptive reach.  Not only can God heal a man's addiction to pornography, but he can also heal a woman's deeply broken heart.

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 13 - Jamie Bishop - Part 1

Does a man's use of pornography harm his wife's heart?

What if you were a Christian woman and you discovered that your husband was looking at porn?  Would it bother you?  Would it be upsetting to you?  Would it make you feel insecure or unsure about yourself?  Would it make you feel like something was wrong with you, because if he was satisfied with you, he wouldn't be looking at porn... right?  And then, what if you discovered that he was looking at porn... over and over and over again?  Hear the AMAZING story of Jamie Bishop, and how her husband's use of porn deeply effected her heart, and created a growing vulnerability within her that eventually led to her affair with another man.  Although this marriage was clearly moving toward complete destruction, you'll be surprised to hear how God intervened in an unusual way to prove there's no situation outside of his redemptive reach.  Not only can God heal a man's addiction to pornography, but he can also heal a deeply wounded woman's heart.

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 12 - Kris Bishop - Part 2

Hear the second half of Kris Bishop's AMAZING story... a man who struggled for years with pornography in the context of his marriage.  Although the habitual use of pornography became firmly established in his life as early as high school, Kris assumed his issue with porn would go away when he got married.  Little did he know that marriage would not solve his problem, but would in fact expose his problem with porn.  As his struggle with porn continued over the early years of his marriage... and as his wife caught him over and over again... it began to take a disastrous toll on both their relationship and their marriage.  As the distance and disconnection between Kris and his wife - Jamie - grew over time, their dilemma escalated toward the total destruction of their marriage and home.  In the darkest of days it appeared there was no more hope... until God intervened in their hearts and lives in a surprising way.  Does the use of pornography harm a marriage?  Can God heal and redeem a deeply broken marriage?  Listen to this surprising story and find the answers!

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 11 - Kris Bishop - Part 1

Hear the AMAZING story of Kris Bishop... a man who struggled for years with pornography in the context of his marriage.  Although the habitual use of pornography became firmly established in his life as early as high school, Kris assumed his issue with porn would go away when he got married.  Little did he know that marriage would not solve his problem, but would in fact expose his problem with porn.  As his struggle with porn continued over the early years of his marriage... and as his wife caught him over and over again... it began to take a disastrous toll on both their relationship and their marriage.  As the distance and disconnection between Kris and his wife - Jamie - grew over time, their dilemma escalated toward the total destruction of their marriage and home.  In the darkest of days it appeared there was no more hope... until God intervened in their hearts and lives in a surprising way.  Does the use of pornography harm a marriage?  Can God heal and redeem a deeply broken marriage?  Listen to this surprising story and find the answers!  

The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 10 - Sons of Phinehas

In the beginning of this episode Tony talks about what it might look like for a small group of men of start a Power of Purity group.

In an odd story in the Old Testament, a man named Phinehas is zealous for God's honor when sexual immorality is rampant among the men of Israel.  In his zeal, Phinehas takes radical action while a man and woman are in the very act of sexual intercourse, and God blesses Phinehas as a result.  In much the same way, God is still looking for men who will be zealous for the Lord when it comes to the issue of sexual purity.  Could it be that you and I are called to be "Sons of Phinehas"?

Scriptures referenced include Isaiah 55:8-9 / Romans 12:2 / I Thessalonians 4:3-6 / Numbers 25:1-13

The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 9 - Sheri's Voice - Part 2

What would you do if you were a woman who was married to man with a sexual addiction?  

What would you do if you were this woman and you found out that your husband was having an affair with your best friend?

Is it possible for God to rescue and redeem a deeply broken marriage that involves two deeply broken people?

Hear the surprising reflections, thoughts, and insights from Tony's wife - Sheri - as she shares her heart concerning the amazing journey God has brought the two of them through together.

Welcome to Sheri's Voice! 

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 8 - Sheri's Voice - Part 1

What would you do if you were a woman who was married to a man with a sexual addiction?  

What would you do if you were this woman and you found out that your husband was having an affair with your best friend?

Is it possible for God to rescue and redeem a deeply broken marriage that involves two deeply broken people?

Hear the surprising reflections, thoughts, and insights from Tony's wife - Sheri - as she shares her heart concerning the amazing journey God has brought the two of them through together.

Welcome to Sheri's Voice! 

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 7 - Tony's Story - Part 6

Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing.  

Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs.  Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come.  Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience.  

Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man.  

Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ.  Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible!

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  Psalm 147:3

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 6 - Tony's Story - Part 5

Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing.  

Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs.  Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come.  Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience.  

Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man.  

Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ.  Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible!

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  Psalm 147:3

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 5 - Tony's Story - Part 4

Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing.  

Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs.  Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come.  Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience.  

Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man.  

Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ.  Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible!

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  Psalm 147:3

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 4 - Tony's Story - Part 3

Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing.  

Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs.  Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come.  Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience.  

Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man.  

Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ.  Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible!

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  Psalm 147:3

The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 3 - Tony's Story - Part 2

Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing.  

Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs.  Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come.  Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience.  

Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man.  

Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ.  Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible!

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  Psalm 147:3

Tony IngrassiaComment
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 2 - Tony's Story - Part 1

Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing.  

Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs.  Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come.  Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience.  

Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man.  

Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ.  Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible!

The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 1 - Introduction

In this introductory episode you'll discover the answer to two important questions.  

First... Is God Crazy?  Is God Crazy for expecting us to be men of sexual purity while living in such a sexualized culture... surrounded by never-ending sexual temptation? 

Second... Then why the gap?  If God asks us to be men of sexual purity, then why is there such a "gap" for so many men between the sexual man they're called to be and the sexual man they actually are?  

This introductory episode of The Power of Purity Podcast will begin the journey that will empower men to close the "gap" as they accomplish three life changing goals...

1. Discovering how to experience their sexual gift in a healthier way.

2. Discovering how to control sex instead of being controlled by sex.

3. Discovering how to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ.

Welcome to the Power of Purity!

Tony IngrassiaComment