The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 271 - God Will Judge Sexual Sin - Part 1

We live in a culture that's highly sexualized.

We live in a culture that virtually worships sex.

We live in a culture where basically anything goes when it comes to sex.

All of this seems to send a message that there's no price to pay in exchange for such extreme sexual indulgence; no consequences; no reaping what you've sown.

But when we look into God's holy word... the bible... we see a very different story.

Over and over again... from story after story in the bible... whenever we see sexual sin... we see both God's displeasure... and God's judgement.

In this series of episodes Tony explores several different passages of scripture... as we see God's response to sexual sin in various situations.

The quest for sexual purity is an honorable...worthy... and wise pursuit... because...

God Will Judge Sexual Sin! 

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.  A man will reap what he sows.  Galatians 6:7


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