The Power of Purity

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The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 163 - HELP! I'm NOT attracted to my wife! - Part 2

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Tony recently received the following letter from a man who listens to the podcast:

Hi Tony, 

Please discuss this on the podcast.  I’m in a dilemma...

My wife and I have been married now for 3.5 years. We both waited till marriage for sex. I knew on the wedding night I would never be attracted to my wife. I could go into details, but it’s the truth. 

What should I do? I opened the marriage package, and I’m highly UNattracted to my wife- I’m trying just to retrain my brain to be celibate while still respecting and being faithful- just give up on sex forever. It’s her weight, her breasts, her face even- and of course I keep this to myself to protect her feelings.


What should a man do if he ISN'T attracted to his wife?

And what if it's worse that than?

What if he's not only NOT attracted to her... but what if he's actually repulsed by her?

Is is acceptable for a man to NOT have sex with his wife if he ISN'T attracted to her?

In response to this man's inquiry... Tony shares 5 important principles... 2 in Episode 162... and 3 in this episode!