The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 133 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 7

Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages.

No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different.

In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. 

It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples.

In this important series Tony draws upon...

(1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years.

(2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. 

(3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word...

... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex.

The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex.

In this episode Tony shares Principle 7 & Principle 8 of the...

12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex

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