The Power of Purity

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The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 209 - A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage - Part 2

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The term "purity culture" is often used in a pejorative way to describe the traditional Christian and biblical viewpoint and teachings concerning human sexuality.  At the epicenter of this traditional viewpoint are such tenants as this:

* Sexuality is a precious gift that God has given to us... and we are called to honor God with the expression of our sexual gift.

* That God has a will... plan... and design for human sexuality... and God has an opinion about what is right and what is wrong when it comes to sex.

* That doing sex God's way involves expressing and experiencing our sexual selves exclusively within the context of a loving... committed... and monogamous marriage between one man and one woman. 

* That because of this... it's appropriate to teach and to promote sexual abstinence before marriage... and to esteem the virtue of virginity before marriage.

Many people who came of age in Christian evangelical churches in the 1990's and 2000's were exposed to these teachings of the "purity culture"... and many had experiences with rituals promoting abstinence until marriage through initiatives such as "purity pledges"... "purity balls"...  and "purity rings".

As a result of these experiences and teachings... many people today have come to hold a deep anger and resentment toward "purity culture"... and even believe that their lives were deeply and profoundly harmed by their experiences within the "purity culture".  Because of this there is a growing cacophony of voices that are raging against the Christian "purity culture"... and thus the title of this series...

A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage.

In this important series... among other topics... Tony does the following:

* Defines "purity culture".

* Identifies the 5 primary complaints that are held and voiced against "purity culture".

* Shares 5 observations regarding "purity culture" in general.

* Then responds to the 5 primary complaints that are being levied against the "purity culture". 

Are the traditional viewpoints and teachings of the church... and of the bible... concerning human sexuality harming peoples lives and souls?

Are Christian parents harming their children by teaching them biblical principles about sex and sexuality?

Is what the bible says about sex old fashioned... out of date... an irrelevant in our modern world?

Discover the answers to these and other important questions in this intriguing series of episodes...

A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage.