The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 115 - Purity Is Possible - Part 2

Tony recently had the opportunity to present a seminar at an Iron Sharpens Iron Conference attended by over 500 men.  Most of these men had never heard of Tony Ingrassia... or The Power of Purity.  

Because of this... Tony put together a presentation entitled... Purity Is Possible... and shared 9 essential pieces of the "purity puzzle".  

In other words... these are 9 concepts that a man is going to have to understand and apply to his life when he gets really serious about becoming a man of sexual purity. 

The description of the seminar was this:

It's possible for Christian men to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ, and to learn to control sex instead of being controlled by sex!

In these episodes (113 - 116) Tony shares an overview of the seminar he presented at the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference.

In this episode Tony shares the 3rd principle of the 9 principles of the "purity puzzle".

Iron Sharpens Iron

Relevant Practical Ministry to Men

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